User Experience

As you probably already know, UX stands for User Experience, and improving it is one major goal for any business. There’s a reason why you keep getting to the same website or even to the same restaurant or coffee shop. And the reason is that you had a good experience when you went there so you keep getting back for more.

There are many ways to improve UX on a website. Here are some of the most important ones:

Website Loading Speed

The website loading speed is one of the most important parts of the user experience. If the website is slow, visitors will leave without even reading your content.

In order to speed up the website you can optimize the images, you can use a solid hosting, and you can use a caching plugin.

You can even use a CDN (content delivery network) to make sure your website is as fast as it can be. Every fraction of the second counts to the UX.

Design Matters

The website and page layout matter. An attractive page is engaging while an ugly or hard to read page will send your visitors away.

With so many CMS and themes available, it’s never been easier to have a professional looking website. So, no point in using outdated layouts and designs that seem from the 90s.

Constantly evaluate your UX and see if there’s something you would like to change. Put yourself in your visitor’s shoes and see how good is your website and your competitor’s websites.


While a part of the design as a whole, navigation is one of the most important design elements. There are some good looking websites that lack clear navigation so visitors feel confused. I’m sure you saw some good examples of these websites in the past, and that’s exactly what you want to avoid on your website. You want a great looking website, but make sure it’s usable and has clear navigation menus so that your visitors can find what they’re looking for.


The Copywrite also plays an important role on your UX.There’s a big reason why sales pages and landing pages require the most skilled writers. The sales content and auto promotional content has to be engaging, interesting and get your visitors attention. That’s not something easy to accomplish, and that’s why you can split test the most important pages of your website to make sure you’re using the one that is more engaging, where people spend more time, and that converts better.

The UX makes or breaks a website. It has to be a constant task of evaluating what can be improved and do it.

These 4 tips can improve your UX in the short term, and hopefully you will revisit them in the future to make sure you keep evolving your website and your visitors get the best UX possible.

Published by Amber Wishart