Design trends keep changing from time to time and it’s important for you, as a website owner, to know the trends that are emerging and why they are becoming more popular every day.
It’s a fact that you need to have a responsive website that works as well on a desktop as on a mobile device as a tablet or smartphone. And it needs to load fast. But there are some web design trends that are emerging:
Testing Different Navigation and Menus:
Designers have been playing with navigation and menus for a long time. From placing them in unexpected places, to use it as you usually do on top, or to hide it behind a hamburger icon, there are many options.
What matters, in the end, is the usability and to make sure your visitors find what they are looking for.
Long or Short Scrolling Websites:
It was pretty common a few years back to see many websites with long pieces of content, taking advantage of the scrolling. However, people might feel a bit lost when they look at so much information and they just can’t find what they’re looking for. So, short scrolling has been taking the place.
Designing in Modules:
Most websites are using modules for all their pages. This allows them to better organize the content they are providing and it will provide your visitors a better experience at the same time.
Design Continues to Flatten Out:
This trend has started to emerge because of the need to make the websites loading faster, weight less, and provide your visitors a more effective way to see your content.
Flatten out your design includes flattening your logo, images, and even icons.
Changing the Stock Elements
You’re starting to see a change on the way people use images and icons on their websites. The common images you used to see are being replaced for their own photography, videos or even infographics.
Forms and Inputs
When you visit a website nowadays, you notice that there’s no longer a small square to fill with your login details or to sign up. The new trend nowadays is to use full-screen forms and input screens instead of redirecting you to a different page.
The way you display your inputs and forms has been changing for different reasons: it’s not only more encouraging for people to do what they’re asked, as it saves resources by not sending them to an additional page.
Richer Animations
You most probably already seen these richest animations. They are emerging since websites are tending to be designed using modules. And by using these kinds of animations, you’re trying to gather the attention to what you want your visitors to focus on.
Usability is Crucial
Having a beautiful website that is full-responsive, and loads fast aren’t enough to be considered a great website. As a designer, you need to think not only about the aesthetics as well as the user experience.
When you’re designing your website or redesigning it, this should be a crucial step that you need to devote time and attention. If your visitors just can’t understand how your website works or if they can’t find what they’re looking for, they click the “back button” immediately.