
Wembley Theme Documentation

How to quickly setup and use this theme.

In order to install the theme, you have two options:

  1. In the downloaded .zip file go in the /theme folder and upload the Wembley sub-folder contained in it to http://yourdomain.com/wp-content/themes/ directory via any FTP program.

  2. Take the .zip found in the theme folder and install it through the dashboard.
      In order to activate the Theme:
    • Log into your Wordpress admin using the following URL: http://yourdomain.com/ wp-login.php
    • Next, go to Appearance > Themes. Here, you should see a thumbnail of Wembley theme.
    • Click on the Activate link to activate this theme

You will be promted in the WordPress Dashboard to install theme required plugins. Follow the prompts to install them.


The Wembley theme leverages WordPress to it's maximum. It uses many of Automatic's (the makers of WordPress) Jetpack features. Jetpack installs with the theme.

  1. After activating Jetpack, connect to WordPress.com to enable the Jetpack features.
  2. Click the Connect button and log in to a WordPress.com account to authorize the Jetpack connection.
  3. If you don't yet have a WordPress.com account, you can quickly create one after clicking the Connect button.
  4. That's it. You're ready to go!

Note: - Click Jetpack settings and activate the below modules to use all of the themes features.


  • Carousel
  • Contact Form
  • Custom Content Types
  • Infinite Scroll
  • Related Posts
  • Sharing
  • Shortcode Embeds

Optional but Recommended:

  • Custom CSS
  • Site Icon
  • Subscriptions
  • Tiled Galleries

Demo content has been included in your download to make it easier to set up the theme. It is of course completely optional.

Go to Appearance/Import Demo Content

Note: - Make sure you have the JetPack settings configured as above before importing the demo content.


This theme features advanced customization features with live preview. Click on 'appearance/customize' to open the customizer.


The highlight color of the theme can be set.


You can upload a header logo.

Header Image

Set a sitewide custom header image. The header image is shown on pages using the 'default' template

Note: - You can overide the header image on individual pages.

Blog Layout

Select one of 4 sitewide blog layouts.

Social Links

Add your social links. Any fields with values entered will automatically display the social icon in the footer on the frontend.


This theme includes simple page sections which allow you to quickly layout pages.

When you create a new page or post you will notice the 'layout' section. Simply click on the 'add row' button from the bottom right to pull up the sections menu. Simply select the section you would like to add.

Note: - The 'editor'section pulls up the main WordPress content editor.

Note: - Drag & Drop sections to reorder them. Or hover over the right edge to delete them.



  1. Create a new page using the homepage template (If you imported the demo content, you can skip this step)
  2. Go to 'appearance/customize' and select the 'Static Front Page' tab. Set the 'Front page'.

    Blog Page

  1. Create a new page using the default template and enter your title/subtitle. Leave the rest of the page blank.
  2. Go to 'appearance/customize' and select the 'Static Front Page' tab. Set the 'Posts page'.

Note: - To set the same page as your homepage and main posts page, simply set the "Posts Page" to your desired page and leave the "Front Page" selection as the default -select-.

sidebar sidebar

Wembley features dynamic sidebars. Select the 'Sidebars' menu to create new sidebars. The sidebars will magically appear in Appearance > Widgets. Now in pages/posts you can select any of your sidebars from the dropdown. Or leave it to display the 'default' sidebar.

Note: - You can also delete sidebars.

posts format

The Wembley theme support several post formats. You can select 'gallery', 'quote', 'audio', 'video' or standard post format from the raio list on the right.

When you click the desired post format the post entry fields will change.

Gallery Format

This format adds an image slider to your post.

Audio Format

You can enter a path to an audio clip.

Quote Format

This format shows a large quote before your post.

Video Format

Adds video above your post. Simply enter the video link. oEmbed does the rest.

Standard Format

This is a regular post. You can anter a 'featured image' to display above the post.

The Wembley theme is built upon WordPress categories. It takes full advantage of Category features and archives.

In appearance/menus you will want to click on the 'options' tab (top right corner) and make sure the 'categories' box is checked. Now you can add categories directly to the menu.

Click on 'posts/categories' to create new categories. You will notice in this theme categories support custom page headers, splash intros and menu images. This gives you tremendous flexibility when setting up your site navigation.

Every page, post and category has fields to add custom headers and/or menu images. This custom header will overide the default header image set in appearance/customize.

Note: - header images are best at 1900px + wide.

Every page, post and category has fields to add a spash intro. This is the large sull page image seen before scrolling down the page.

There are two rext options to lay over the image. You can enter some title text. Or select up to three articles by their titles (dropdown options) to be displayed 'magazine style'.

Note: - you can drag and drop the article titles to change the order.

Note: - splash images are full screen so they should be large in dimension, but try to kee teh file size down so they load quickly.


Full Width Template

The 'fullwidth' template creates a page without a sidebar. It can be filled in with any page-builder elements.

Default Template

The 'default' template creates a page with a sidebar.

Infinite scroll is setup by default. To disable it or modify the settings go to "JetPack" settings and click on the infinite scroll 'configure' option.

Note: - Infinite scroll can be set to use a 'load more' button or automatic loading.


Click on the 'Portfolio' section from the WordPress admin menu. Click 'add new' to create a new portfolio item.

Now we're ready to add your first portfolio item. Give a title/subtitle to your newly added item and upload a 'featured image' image. You can now add any 'page-builder' sections

Note: - Arrange your portfolio items in categories. The theme automatically uses Isotope sorting.


In any page add an editor page-builder section to the layout. Now you can select the 'contact form' button to add a contact shortcode to your page. You'll notice the form has a simple interface to add/edit fields.

Note: - You may need to add some text to the page first in order to add the contact form.


Add your social links in appearance/customize under the 'social' tab. Any links you have entered will be automatically added to the site footer.

You can also turn sharing on for posts in 'Jetpack' settings under the sharing 'configure' option.

Author Bios can be displayed under posts. If under a user the 'biographical info' section is filled out, the bio will be displayed on the front end. Leave it blank if you do not want to display biographical info.

There are two options .

Option 1: You can go to JetPack settings and activate the 'Custom CSS' tool. You can then simply go to appearance/edit css to add your own custom css.

Option 2: you can create a child theme to add custom css. See more here.

The theme includes a set of icons which can be used in some page builder sections.

Quick Reference Sheet

  • JetPack

  • WordPress
  • Google Fonts
  • jQuery