Overview & Features

Layout Setting

Basic Setting

Set your general option for your grid

  1. Insert a name for your layout
  2. Option
    • SOURCE - You can decided which post type insert on your grid or slider: Projects, Gallery and Posts.
    • Category (active only for posts and projects) - Select your category item to view in the layout
    • Gallery (active only for gallery) - Select a gallery already created
    • Order by - Select the order the item between many cases: Title, Created Date, Modified Date, Post Slug, Author, Post ID, Random or none.
    • Direction - Asceding or descending order.
    • Limit Posts - Set the number of posts to view in the layout (0 = all posts)
    • Type - Set which layout type you want use to view your item: Grid, Carousel and Slider.
    • Filtering Buttons (active only for type Grid) - Tun OF/ON the filter categories
    • Grid Spacing (pixels) - Set the number of pixels between the items
  3. Update the layout.

Add a Project

Portfolio Type

You can create a lof types of items: Image, Slider, Logo, Audio, Video or other codes.

  1. Basic Setup - Set the type icon between: Image, Gallery, Video or Code
    1. IMAGE TYPE - Upload a singular image as item background
    2. GALLERY TYPE - Upload multiple image as slider in background
      For each image you can set a title
    3. VIDEO TYPE - Insert a youtube video as item background
      You must paste the ID Youtube in the field.
    4. CODE TYPE - Upload an embed code as item background
      You must paste your custom code in the field.
  2. Project Content
    • Title - Insert the title of item
    • Subtile - Insert a subtitle for your item (optional)
    • Description - Insert an item description, this will be displayed when you open the full project
    • Social - Insert an address url for each social to displayed the social icon in your project.
      you can set Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin and Pinterest.
    • Extra Info - You can set multiple informations about your project.
      For each extra information you must set a label and value.
  3. Project layout
  4. Basic Options
    • Shape - Set the shape of the item. You can choose between 4 shape. You can create a mosaic or grid layout.
    • Overlayer - If you check this option you can attach a colored layer over the image.
    • Content - You can choose between: Informations, Logo or none
      • Informations - You can set the Info Position (top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right), the Text Color (rgba or hex) and the Button Text Label.
      • Logo - You must upload a logo image - This will be placed at the center of the box item.
  5. Hover Options
    • Image Effect - You can set the zoom effect when you're over the image
    • Overlay Effect - You can select between Curtain and Gradient.
      Curtain reduce the overlay up to 50%, Gradient dissolve the overlay and put a light shadow.
    • Logo Effect - You can set the zoom effect when you're over the logo
    • Button Color - You can set the rgba or hex color
  6. Click Options - You can select Custom URL or open the Project Preview
    • Custom URL - insert the full address to link to item.
    • Project Preview - open the full content of the project.
  7. Categories - Select the category item, this will be used to filter the items.
  8. Skills - Add multiple skills used in the item.
  9. Update the project

Add a Gallery

Gallery Type

You can create a gallery using grid, slider or carousel layout.

  1. Go to Flatfolio - > Galleries
  2. Add new gallery
  3. Set a name for this gallery
  4. Update two or more image
  5. You can set a title for each image
  6. Publish the gallery

Add a Post

Blog Type

You can create a blog using grid, slider or carousel layout.

  1. Go to Posts -> Add new
  2. Set name and content post
  3. Set the category for each post - This is used as filter on grid page
  4. Set a featured image for each post - This is used as thumb on grid page
  5. Publish the post

Use Layout

Using Layout

Paste a shortcode layout in a new page

  1. Copy the shortcode layout already created and paste it in a new page.
  2. Insert a title for your portfolio, blog or gallery page.
  3. You can create a lot of layout changing some options for each layout.